===== SUNFLUIDH : A RESEARCH SOFTWARE FOR THE COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS ===== Author : Yann Fraigneau (yann.fraigneau@lisn.fr) ===== USER'S GUIDE ===== ---- ==== Introduction ==== ---- * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_description | A brief description ]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_install | Sunfluidh install ]] ---- ==== Equations solved, input and outputs files ==== ---- * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_link_equations_data_set | Sets of equations ]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_data_setup | Sunfluidh data sets (input file) ]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_output|Sunfluidh output files]] ---- ==== How to use Sunfluidh : Key points, Tutorial and examples ==== ---- * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_tools | Overview of key points for using sunfluidh ]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_tutorials | Tutorial : how to build the input data file ? ]] * [[ :sunfluidh:Examples_wall_bc | Focus on wall boundary conditions : Some examples here ]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_examples_data_set | Examples of different cases]] ---- ==== Add-ons ==== ---- * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_full_documents | More details ? : Information on the numerical methods (staggered grid, discretization, ...)]] * [[ :sunfluidh:visfield_doc | VISFIELD : a file format converter for visualization]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_meshgen|MESHGEN : a mesh generator for sunfluidh]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_matlab | MATLAB : reading output files with Matlab]] * [[ :sunfluidh:python_read_sunfluidh_files | Python : reading output files with Python]] * [[ :sunfluidh:sunfluidh_full_documents | More details ? : Information on the numerical methods (staggered grid, discretization, ...)]] /*[[:sunfluidh:sunfluidh_edu_documents | Documents on the educative version of Sunfluidh]] */