----- **The old release** ----- The old version of file vifield_s.dat is composed with 12 lines of integer values. This version is still available for people used to the old version of VISFIELD. * The first two lines allows the user to select a series of files should be converted. The first line is associated to the subdomain number and the second line to the file number which are included in the file name. * The following line contains one integer value which defines the type of file to convert * 0 : instantaneous fields : res_yyyyy_xxxxxxx.d * 1 : statistical fields : rst_yyyyy_xxxxxxx.d * The third following lines are associated to the grid indices of the computational domain. These index set allows the user to build a space box for extracting only a part of fields from the computational domain.\\ If one of these index values is set to zero, the whole domain is considered regardless of the meshsize, including the ghost cells. * The following line contains just one integer value for selecting the type of format in which the file will be converted.\\ 0 : tecplot format (.plt) - 1 : VTK format (.vtk). * The following line is a peculiar data related to the vtk format conversion. An integer data defines if the vtk data must be written as a rectilinear form (value 0) or a structured-grid form (value 1). * The four last lines are reserved to the special case of data manipulation : Please, do not consider them for your work and do not modify them. 00000 1 !--- 1st subdomain number and total number of subdomains for file selection (related to the 1st number in the file name) 0 200 1 !--- 1st file number, last file number and file number-step for file selection (related to the 2nd number in the file name) 0 !--- Type of file to convert (0 : instantaneous fields, 1: statistical fields) 0 130 !--- Start and end indices along the I-direction | => space box for considering only a part of fields 1 130 !--- Start and end indices along the J-direction | a zero value indicates the whole computational domain is considered 1 130 !--- Start and end indices along the K-direction | 1 !--- selection of the format conversion -> 0 : tecplot format (.plt) - 1 : VTK format (.vtk) 0 ! Only for VTK format -> 0 : rectilinear form , 1: structured grid form 0 !--- special data. Do not modify it. rst_00000_0000001.d !--- special data. Do not modify it. 3 !--- special data. Do not modify it. 1 3 !--- special data. Do not modify them. EOF [[sunfluidh:visfield_doc| Click here to come back to the previous page]] ----- **The new release** ----- The new version of file, visfield_sunfluidh.dat, allows you to use much more functionalities of VISFIELD, like slice reading. Data setup is organised with the concept of Namelist. All possibilites are described in the example given here. ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== Data parameters for converting the SUNFLUIDH binary files to Tecplot or VTK format New data file for the new release of VISFIELD ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Domain decomposition (MPI simulation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of subdomains along each direction (I,J and K) for a simulation performed with a domain decomposition approach (MPI) If MergingData_Enabled=.true., all subdomain fields are grouped in a same Tecplot or VTK file &DomainDecompositionFeatures NumberOfSubdomains_Idir= 1, NumberOfSubdomains_Jdir= 1, NumberOfSubdomains_Kdir= 1, MergingData_Enabled=.false. / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Define the features of the file to convert TypeOfData ='snapshots' --> instantaneous fields : files res_xxxxx_yyyyyyy.d TypeOfData ='block_snapshots' --> instantaneous fields on specified blocks : files res_xxxxx_yyyyyyy.d TypeOfData ='stastistics' --> statistics fields : files rst_xxxxx_yyyyyyy.d TypeOfData ='slices' --> fields on slices : files slice_sn_d_xxxxx_yyyyyyy.d Special data : TypeOfData ='space_averaged_snapshots' --> space averaged snapshots along a direction : files spav_plan_d_yyyyyyy.d Default parameters implicitly imposed : MergingData_Enabled= .false. (data already gathered in a unic file) Any parameter related to the domain decomposition is set such as only one domain is considered with : xxxxx : rank of subdomain (MPI process) yyyyyyy : number associated to the time recording of data d : this number indicates the orientation of the plan (automatically considered by the VISFIELD) sn : rank of the plane (rank in the SUNFHLUIDH data file) FirstSubdomainRank = xxxxx : first subdomain rank for files to convert NumberOfSubdomains = xxxxx : Number of subdomains to consider from FirstSubdomainRank SubdomainsStride : Stride on subdomain ranks FirstRecordingIndex = yyyyyyy : first time recording value for files to convert LastRecordingIndex = yyyyyyy : last time recording value for files to convert IndexStride : stride on time recording value FirstSlice_ID= sn : Value of the first rank for 'slices' data files to convert LastSlice_ID = sn : Value of the last rank for 'slices' data files to convert FirstBlock_ID= sn : Value of the first rank for 'block_snapshots' data files to convert LastBlock_ID = sn : Value of the last rank for 'block_snapshotss' data files to convert Notes : - By default SubdomainsStride and IndexStride are set to 1 - By default NumberOfSubdomains = NumberOfSubdomains_Idir * NumberOfSubdomains_Jdir* NumberOfSubdomains_Kdir - When 'slices' is selected, FirstSubdomainRank must be the lowest MPI rank in which the plane is defined. when MergingData_Enabled= .true. : NumberOfSubdomains is automatically updated by VISFIELD in regard to NumberOfSubdomains_Idir, NumberOfSubdomains_Jdir and NumberOfSubdomains_Kdir when MergingData_Enabled= .false. : NumberOfSubdomains must take into account all the MPI rank covering the plane (NumberOfSubdomains= FirstSubdomainRank + the highest MPI rank in which the plane is defined) If a file selected by VISFIELD is not present in the work directory, it is ignored - When 'snapshots' or 'statistics' is selected, NumberOfSubdomains can be ignored if NumberOfSubdomains_Idir, NumberOfSubdomains_Jdir, NumberOfSubdomains_Kdir are correctly set. All subdomain will be considered if FirstSubdomainRank= 0 if the user want only convert some subdomain files, he may plays with FirstSubdomainRank, NumberOfSubdomains, SubdomainsStride - When 'space_averaged_snapshots' is selected, MergingData_Enabled= .false. . Data are automatically regrouped in a single file If a file selected by VISFIELD is not present in the work directory, it is ignored &DataFileFeatures TypeOfData="statistics", FirstRecordingIndex=1 , LastRecordingIndex= 1 , IndexStride= 1 / !DataFileFeatures TypeOfData="snapshots", FirstRecordingIndex=1 , LastRecordingIndex= 5, IndexStride= 1 / !DataFileFeatures TypeOfData="block_snapshots", FirstRecordingIndex=1 , LastRecordingIndex= 10, IndexStride= 1 FirstBlock_ID=1, LastBlock_ID=1 / !DataFileFeatures TypeOfData="slices", FirstRecordingIndex= 1 , LastRecordingIndex= 10, FirstSubdomainRank = 0, NumberOfSubdomains= 1, FirstSlice_ID=1, LastSlice_ID=1, IndexStride= 1 / !DataFileFeatures TypeOfData="space_averaged_snapshots", FirstRecordingIndex=1 , LastRecordingIndex= 40 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Format conversion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VelocityCylindricalCoordinates= .True. In cylindrical geometry, the coordinates are converted to cartesian geometry while the velocity components leave in cylindrical geometry else (false) they also converted TecplotFormat_Enabled= .true. Binary data are converted to Tecplot data VTKFormat_Enabled = .true. Binary data are converted to Legacy VTK data &DataFormat VelocityCylindricalCoordinates=.False., TecplotFormat_Enabled = .True. / !VTKFormat_Enabled= .true. / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special case : Extract field fluctuations from snapshots and statistics data RESTRICTED USE !!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &ExtractFluctuations_Special/ ExtractFluctuations_Enabled= .false. , NumberOfFields= 1, StatisticsFileName='rst_00000_0000001.d' / [[sunfluidh:visfield_doc| Click here to come back to the previous page]]