Table des matières


This data set allows the user to link any chosen physical quantity with probes.
The time series of the physical quantity are recorded in a file in ASCII format named n_ins_yyyyy.d :

  • “n” refers to the name of the physical quantity (i.e. n=u for the i-velocity component, n=t for the temperature, n=r for the density, n= p for the pressure,…).
  • 'yyyyy' is the subdomain number which the probes belong to (particularly useful when the simulation is performed with a MPI domain decomposition approach).

Data are ordered in columns, the first refers to the time, the second refers to the first probe and so on … the position of each probe is written on the first line of each file.

Full data set of the namelist

                                                        Probes order    U    , V     , W      , T      , P      , RHO
 &Probe_Quantities_Enabled  Temporal_Series_For_Quantity_Enabled(:)= .true. , .true., .true., .false., .false., .true. /

Definition of the data set
