Geometric series "Type 1"

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This function relies on a geometric series where the segment length, the cell number and the ratio are the paramaters.
Cell size is refined at the left tip of the segment.


                      Number_of_Cells= 32   ,
                      Length= 1.0  ,
                      Cell_Ratio= 1.05d-00     Reverse_Ordering= .false. /

Cell size distribution :

$L$ is the Length.
$q$ is the cell-size ratio (Cell_Ratio).
$N$ is the Number_of_Cells.
$h(l)$ is the cell size
$l$ is the cell index.

\begin{align*} h(l)&= L.\frac{q^{l-1}-q^l}{1-q^N}, l= 2,N\\ \end{align*}

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