Table des matières

Namelist "HomeData_PoissonSolver"

This namelist contains all parameters on the iterative solvers and the nV-cycle multigrid method directly implemented in the code for solving the Poisson's equation (in-house development). The iterative solvers are based on the Successive Over Relaxation methods (SOR).

  • These data are only associated with the SOR-type solvers directly implemented in the code (“homemade” development)
  • These data are taken into account only when the variable “Poisson_NumericalMethod” in the Namelist “Numerical_Methods” is correctly set (see Numerical_Methods (new version)).
    • Poisson_NumericalMethod= Home-Multigrid-ConstantMatrixCoef
    • Poisson_NumericalMethod= Home-Multigrid-VariableMatrixCoef
  • Not for the release SUNFLUIDH_EDU

Full data set of the namelist

 &HomeData_PoissonSolver  SolverName="SOR-Redblack-MPI", 
                          Number_max_Grid= 5, 
                          Number_max_Cycle= 10,
                          Number_Iteration= 0,
                          Number_Iteration_FineToCoarseGrid= 1, 
                          Number_Iteration_CoarseToFineGrid= 5, 
                          Number_Iteration_CoarsestGrid= 10 ,
                          Relaxation_Coefficient= 1.7 ,
                          Convergence_Criterion= 1.D-15,
                          Coarsening_Id(1:5)= 7,7,7,7,7 ,
                          Off_Set_Poisson_Source_term= .false. /
  • Following the problem treated, some numerical methods are better adapted than others, this point is precised for each available option.

Definition of the data set


Number_max_Grid (multigrid method only)

Number_max_Cycle (multigrid method only)

Number_Iteration (only if the SOR method is used)

Number_Iteration_FineToCoarseGrid (only if the SOR method is used)

Number_Iteration_CoarsestGrid (only if the SOR method is used)

Number_Iteration_CoarseToFineFGrid (only if the SOR method is used)

Relaxation_Coefficient (only if the SOR method is used)

Convergence_Criterion (only if the SOR method is used)


