Table des matières

Namelist "HypreData_PoissonSolver"

This namelist contains all parameters for using some solvers available in the HYPRE library. For solving the Poisson's equations, the SOR methods coupled with a multigrid procedure are the most appropriate (i.e. PFMG or SMG). These methods are variants of the “homemade” developments presented for the namelist HomeData_PoissonSolver. The former can be better optimized than the latter for the large computations.

  • These data are taken into account only when the variable “Poisson_NumericalMethod” in the Namelist “Numerical_Methods” is correctly set (see Numerical_Methods (new version)).
    • Poisson_NumericalMethod= Hypre-ConstantMatrixCoef
    • Poisson_NumericalMethod= Hypre-VariableMatrixCoef
  • The HYPRE library tools can be only used when the code is compiled with a MPI configuration.
  • Even though numerical methods provided in the HYPRE library are similar to these ones present in the code, the input data are slightly different
  • Not for the release SUNFLUIDH_EDU

Full data set of the namelist

 &HypreData_PoissonSolver  SolverName= "PFMG" , 
                           PreconditionerName= "NONE" , 
                           RelaxationMethodName= "SOR-RedBlack-Nonsym",
                           Convergence_Criterion = 1.D-08  ,
                           Number_Iteration= 10 ,
                           Number_Iteration_FineToCoarseGrid= 1, 
                           Number_Iteration_CoarseToFineGrid= 5 ,
                           Matrix_Symmetrization= .false. ,
                           Off_Set_Poisson_Source_term= .false. /
  • Following the problem treated, some numerical methods are better adapted than others, this point is precised for each available option.

Definition of the data set



RelaxationMethodName (for PFMG method only)

Number_Iteration (only if the SOR method is used)

Number_Iteration_FineToCoarseGrid (only if the PFMG method is used)

Number_Iteration_CoarseToFineFGrid (only if the PFMG method is used)

Relaxation_Coefficient (only if the SOR method is used)

Convergence_Criterion (only if the SOR method is used)

