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How to configure the makefile

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Fortran compilers

The code sunfluidh is programmed in fortran 95 and 2003. A makefile (named makefile) is present in the directory 'TRUNK/DATA/MAKEFILE_DIR' in order to help you to compile the code. Two compilers are available :

Common information on fortran compiler's options can be found here.

Makefile setup

You have to set up the makefile in accordance with the computing environment and the simulation type. In the file 'makefile', two sets of parameters are proposed in two sections named:

Using proposed set of options make easier the compilation stage but the user feels free to define his own options, particularly about the compiler options.

Compiler options

These parameters define the compiler and compilation options used.

Labels for the code configuration

In order to configure the code in the suitable form (2D, 3D, parallelisation mode,…), labels are used to set the variable “CODE_CONFIG” defined inside the makefile.
So, this variable must just be set as CODE_CONFIG= LABEL1 LABEL2 …

The common labels to use are :

Some other labels are available and can be used in specific cases

The default configuration proposed in the makefile is : CODE_CONFIG= -DSHARED_DISK -DDIM2D

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