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SUNFLUIDH install from the Gitlab forge

In order to perform the versionning of the SUNFLUIDH project, the Gitlab forge of the LISN replaces the old SVN forge from the 8 July 2023.
The versionning control is henceforth ensured by git instead of svn.
The main branch of the Gitlab forge starts with the last svn version (1195). A specific branch of the project, named 'sunfluidh_svn1173b_tgcc', is related to the svn version 1173, with few minor modifications. This branch refers to the svn version used at TGCC for computing the Rayleigh-Bénard flows as part of the ANR project THERMAL.

Access to the SUNFLUIDH project on Gitlab

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Environment of the project

At the root of the project, you will find several directories :

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Compilation procedure

When the project is installed, please, follow these steps in order to compile the code :

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How do start to work

Before starting to work with the code, find here some advises :

We suppose here your operating system is UNIX, LINUX or BSD and your shell is the BASH.

It is often better to create a specific local directory in order to store your executable files rather than moving them from the compilation directory to the work directory. This prevents against the harmful overgrowth of executable files while more and more working directories are created over the time. For that :

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