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VISFIELD : A format converter for data visualization

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Visfield is an in-house format converter for the data visualization.
This modest software allows the user to convert binary files of instantaneous and statistical fields resulting from codes CHORUS or SUNFLUIDH to an appropriate format for the data visualization. At present, two softwares for visualization are targeted : Tecplot and Paraview. The binary files are therfore converted to plt or vtk format. The procedure is very simple :

Compilation procedure

For the Sorbonne university class, this step is automatically done by the install procedure.

After downloading the Visfield project from the server forge by means of svn:

The version “r4” or “r8” is chosen in regard to the real precision of your data files.
The use of the version “tcplt” supposes the tecplot library “tecio.a” or “tecio64.a” is present in your environment.
The commands visfield_r4.x or visfield_r8.x generated from a “tcplt” makefile type are also able to convert the binary files to vtk format.
If you do not use Tecplot, it is easier to compile Visfield with a “vtk” makefile type.

Visfield setting for SUNFLUIDH

Visfield needs to know the type of field and some parameters to perform the format conversion. The setting is made in the input data files visfield_s.dat (old version) or visfield_sunfluidh.dat (new version). Both input data files are valid. The user can get these input data files by clicking here.

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