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Meshgen : A mesh generator for cartesian grid

Meshgen is a modest mesh generator for cartesian grid. The principle is very simple :

  • Each direction {x,y,z} (or {r,$\theta$,z} in cylindrical geometry) is represented by a line.
  • Each line can be splitted in several parts over which a distribution law is applied in order to build the discretization nodes.
  • Following the CFD code used, these nodes have different definitions :
    • For Chorus, they are the cell centers.
    • For Sunfluidh, they are the cell-face locations.
  • Several distribution laws are available
    • Geometric functions
    • Hyperbolic tangent functions
    • Cosine function

Compilation procedure

For the class 5AF32, this step is automatically made by the install procedure.

After downloading the Meshgen project from the server forge by means of svn:

  • go to the directory MESHGEN/TRUNK/SOURCES
  • Run the command make: The executable file meshgen.x is created.

Meshgen settings

The grid parameters are set in the input data file “data_meshgen.dat”.

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sunfluidh/meshgen_doc.1512226458.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2017/12/02 15:54 de yann

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