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Namelist "Simulation_Management"

This data setup allows the user to set the time parameters of the code in order to :

  • perform the numerical simulation (time step, stopping criteria…)
  • record the results associated to time series of probes, instantaneous quantity fields, statistical quantities.
  • record the backup/restart files


  • Type : Integer Value
  • This data indicates how is initialized the simulation :
    • 0 : The simulation starts from the beginning corresponding to an initialization state.
    • 1 or 2 : The simulation is resumed from a temporary backup file recorded during the previous simulation. Useful to resume a simulation suddenly interrupted. As the temporary backup file a regularly removed during a simulation, only the two last files created by the code are available. They correspond to the number 1 or 2. The number of last file created is recorded in the file num_sav_xxxxx.d (xxxxx correspond to the MPI process number when the simulation is performed in a domain decomposition approach).
    • 3 : The simulation is resumed from the last backup file built during the last time step of the previous simulation. Useful to continue a incompleted simulation. The number 3 must be present in the file num_sav_xxxxx.d (proof that the previous simulation is correctly completed), otherwise the numbers 0, 1 or 2 (related to the previous cases) will be present.


  • Type : Boolean value
  • Activation of the stopping criterion for steady flow (based on the L2-norm of the time variation of quantities).


  • Type : Real value
  • When the L2-norm of the time variation of quantities is lower than this value, the simulation is stopped and the solution corresponds to a steady flow.


  • Type : Integer value
  • This value is the maximum of time iterations performed by the code before stopping.


  • Type : Real value
  • This value is the physical time limit reached by the simulation before stopping.


  • Type : Integer value
  • Selection of way to define the numerical time step :
    • 0 : The time step is constant and defined by the user by means of the variable “Timestep_max” (see further).
    • -1 : The time step evolves lineraly between the values given by “Timestep_min” and “Timestep_max”. The range of variation is defined by the variable “Iterations_For_Timestep_Linear_Progress” (in time iteration number).
    • 1 : The time step is calculated for each time iteration by means of the CFL parameter. The CFL parameter can be constant, it is thus defined by the variable “CFL_Max”.
      It can also evolve linearly between the values given by “CFL_Min” and “CFL_Max” and the variable “the varievolves linearly between the values “Timestep_min” and “Timestep_max”. The range of variation is defined by the variable “Iterations_For_Timestep_Linear_Progress” (in time iteration number).


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sunfluidh/simulation_management_setup_namelist.1478952248.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2016/11/12 13:04 de yann

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