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Namelist "Species_Properties"

List of variable and definition

This data setup is only used in the full version of sunfluidh for the simulation of multi-species flows under low-Mach number hypothesis. It is used to define every thermo-chemical properties used to estimated the appropriate species diffusion coefficient in the gas mixture. Most of data are initialized with a default value that could be used by the code if this data is not set to the user's value.
Data are used or not depending on the context. For this reason, useless data could be omitted in the data setup.
The user must therefore ensure that useful data are explicitly stated unless he is sure that the default value is correct (if there is any doubt, you can check the file named “check_namelist_data.dat”).
Some examples are given here for helping the user about this namelist.

Species_Name (type = character string (6))

Species_molecular_Mass (type = real)

Reference_Molecular_Heat_Capacity (type = real)

Schmidt_Number (type = real)

Electric_Charge (type = real)

Lennard_Jones_Diameter (type = real)

Lennard_Jones_Potential (type = real)

Lennard_Jones_Potential (type = real)

Thermochemical_Properties_Coefficients (type = real)

End_of_Data_Block (type= boolean)

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sunfluidh/species_properties_namelist.1474569508.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2016/09/22 20:38 de yann

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