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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !


The sunfluidh project is placed on the forge and is handled with the version control system svn. In order to install sunfluidh on your computer, please, follow these steps :

  • Ensure you get the required authorization to download the sunfluidh project with svn from the forge (contact AMIC for that)
  • Define on your computer a directory to receipt the sunfluidh project (~/SUNFLUIDH for instance)
  • Go to the directory SUNFLUIDH
  • run the next command :
    svn co –username your_login https://forge.limsi.fr/svn/SUNFLUIDH_PRD/TRUNK
    The last version of the sunfluidh project will be downloaded in the directory “~/SUNFLUIDH/TRUNK”
  • In the directory “~/SUNFLUIDH/TRUNK”, you will find three directories :
    • DOC : It constains all documents related to the numerical methods implemented in the code (in french at present)
    • DATA : It constains differents data files :
      • different tutorial data files in order to test the code (input_xxxx.dat). These files must be copied in the sunfluidh data file named input3d.dat in order to be used.
      • different shell scripts in order to run the code in batch on various type of computers (local cluster, IDRIS computers). their names start with “script”.
      • A directory …/DATA/REACTIVE_FLOWS/ that contains differents special files ( .inc) which could be included in the code during the compilation procedure. They are devoted to the specific reactive flow simulations if needed.
    • SOURCES : This diretory constains all the source files needed to compile the code. These sources files are compiled by means of the makefile file.
Traductions de cette page:
  • fr
sunfluidh/sunfluidh_install.1453218765.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2016/01/19 16:52 de yann

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