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The sunfluidh project is placed on the forge and is handled with the version control system svn. In order to install sunfluidh on your computer, please, follow these steps :

  • Ensure you get the required authorization to download the sunfluidh project with svn from the forge (contact AMIC for that)
  • Define on your computer a directory to receipt the sunfluidh project (~/SUNFLUIDH for instance)
  • Go to the directory SUNFLUIDH
  • run the next command :
    svn co –username your_login https://forge.limsi.fr/svn/SUNFLUIDH_PRD/TRUNK
    The last version of the sunfluidh project will be downloaded in the directory “~/SUNFLUIDH/TRUNK”

In the directory “~/SUNFLUIDH/TRUNK”, you will find three directories :

  • DOC : It contains all documents related to the numerical methods implemented in the code (in french at present)
  • DATA : It contains different data files :
    • different tutorial data files in order to test the code (input_xxxx.dat). These files must be copied in the sunfluidh data file named input3d.dat in order to be used.
    • different shell scripts in order to run the code in batch on various type of computers (local cluster, IDRIS computers). their names start with “script”. Beware, these shell script must be adjusted to your needs before using them.
    • A directory …/DATA/REACTIVE_FLOWS/ that contains differents special files ( .inc) which could be included in the code during the compilation procedure. They are devoted to the specific reactive flow simulations if needed.
    • SOURCES : This directory contains all the source files needed to compile the code. These sources files are compiled by means of the makefile file.

In order to compile the code on your computer, please, follow these steps :

  • Go to the directory “~/SUNFLUIDH/TRUNK/SOURCES”
  • Open the file “makefile”, choose the compiler (you can use pgi, ifort or gfortran) in regard to your system environment and define the relevant options of compilation (see "How to configure the makefile")
  • Run the command “make” :The source files are compiled and an executable file is created. Its name could be defined in the makefile (“sunfluidh.x by default).
Traductions de cette page:
  • fr
sunfluidh/sunfluidh_install.1453219960.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2016/01/19 17:12 de yann

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